Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

Student Admission and Leaving Procedures

1.      Admission
1.1  In addition to admitting referred cases from the Child Development and Rehabilitation Department of Caritas Medical Centre, from 2020/21 school year onwards, Lok Yan has been approved to admit day students aged 6 to 18 with severe intellectual disabilities who are referred by the Sham Shui Po district.
1.2  The school admission team conducts pre-school assessment;
1.3  Contact parents to attend school interviews, visit and sign enrollment documents;
1.4  After parents sign the enrollment documents, the School and hospital will coordinate the arrangements for student enrollment dates;
1.5  The School will formally notify parents about student enrollment matters, such as: classes, grades, class schedules, and arrangements for various assisted equipment, etc.;
1.6 After the student is officially enrolled, the enrollment information will be submitted to Special Education Support Team 2 of Education Bureau.

2.      Leaving School
2.1 After receiving the student referral documents from the Social Welfare Department / Nursing Home, the School social worker will notify the parents, the School teaching team, and the director of the hospital ward to officially start the student’s school  leaving procedures and formalities;
2.2 The School teaching team will compile a report of leaving school and produce a CD for student who leaves school, as references for parents and future residential place, such as: student learning and nursing profile, etc.:
2.3 Arrange parents and students to visit before check-in;
2.4 The School and hospital will coordinate the parents and the residential place to determine the day of leaving/relocation, and related arrangements for the delivery of student materials, such as wheelchairs, wheel transfer arrangement, etc.;
2.5 Parents pay school fees and sign student leaving school documents;
2.6 Information of student leaving school shall be submitted to Special Education Support Team 2 of Education Bureau.

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