Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy


Vision: Develop communication potential and promote life participation.
Mission: Provide quality treatment services, promote creation and exchange of knowledge, and build close partnerships.
Objective: To improve the effectiveness of treatment, increase knowledge, competence, and self-confidence of caregivers, and promote students' integration into the community.

Category of Treatment

Speech therapists tailored assessment, appropriate treatment or follow-up services for each student, and work closely with parents and other professionals, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, school nurses, social workers, teachers, and hospital healthcare workers. We provide assessment and treatment for students with the following concerns:
  1. Communication Difficulties
  2.  Difficulties with socio-pragmatic communication
     Difficulties with early communication skills
     Difficulties with Listening skills
     Needs for using alternative or augmentative communication systems
     Difficulties with verbal behavior (Language comprehension or expression)
     Problems of neuromuscular function related to speech
  3. Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties
  4.  As a member of a transdisciplinary team, we evaluate and manange students’ problems related to feeding.

Treatment Strategy

Our team is committed to providing evidence-based treatment and related support recommendations, including but not limited to:
  1. Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching
  2. Imitation training
  3. Behavioral strategies
  4. Multisensory Storytelling
  5. User and helper training on alternative or augmentative communication systems
  6. Functional neuromuscular training related to speech and feeding