Nursing Services
Nursing Services
Goals for Nursing Team
- Provide nursing care to students
- Ensure students' safety at school
- Prevent and control outbreaks of infectious diseases
- Improve nursing knowledge of school staff and parents
- Enhance communication between the school and the hospital
Nursing Team Work
1.Provide student nursing care
- Monitor student health, provide appropriate nursing care, and arrange for students in need to receive treatment
- Assess student health status and provide nursing advice
- Accompany students to participate school activities
- Provide health knowledge and nursing tips to school staff regularly and as needed
2.Provide emergency medical equipments and services
- Ensure emergency medical devices are well functioning
- Regularly update first aid knowledge to colleagues
- Regular emergency drills
3.Prevent Infectious Diseases
- Establish infection control policy/guidelines, monitor on school staffs and student's health condition, and prevent outbreak of diseases
- Provide lectures and leaflets on communicable disease for Sschool staff and parents
- Provide epidemic prevention supplies
4.Promote Health Education
- Provide in-school training to parents and school staff
- Collaborate with other health care professions to provide nursing lectures, workshops, etc. for the school staff and parents
5. Liaise with departments of the school and other institutions
- Collaborate with other learning experience groups, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, to develop safety guidelines for different school activities
- Liaise with hospital to enable the continuity of treatment and training.
- Contact Department of Health
Report the illness of the school staff to Department of Health during an outbreak of infectious disease.
Request health knowledge leaflets for distribution to parents.
Borrow health knowledge exhibition board, invite their health care team to provide health promotion talk.